Case Studies

A deep dive into three client success stories



Breastfeeding with Latching Issues & Painful Nipples



Baby was unable to maintain a comfortable latch & parent had painful damaged nipples—yet the parent was told everything “looked fine” by three previous Lactation Consultants


1:1 consultation where I performed a detailed history, nursing assessment, breast/chest assessment, and evaluation of the baby’s behavior at the chest. It was clear the baby physically could not latch, or even stay on the breast with a nipple shield. The baby’s behavior coupled with extremely blistered lips, a top lip that could not flange, and a tongue that could not lift, warranted a referral to a pediatric Dentist for diagnosis and treatment of suspected oral ties (Lip and Tongue Ties). We then created a custom plan including a referral to a Pediatric Dentist, a care plan to heal the mother and protect her milk supply, and a plan for feeding the baby and helping them get back on the breast so they could have a healthy, happy, and pain-free feeding relationship.


Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding should not hurt, and how a latch looks is not as important as how it feels and how it functions. If you experience any of this, please contact me for a 1:1 consultation. I’m happy to help get you and your little one to a happy place with a custom care plan and individual support.


Exclusive Pumping



Parent decided that exclusive pumping was right for their family—but had trouble with pumping, was worried about their supply, and wonder how it all worked. They also tried to heal their injured nipples from when they attempted to feed at the breast.


Personalized 1:1 consultation during which I took a complete history, and problem-solved to troubleshoot the pumping schedule and optimize their setup and routine, plus a bottle-feeding observation and assessment of the baby feeding with the bottle. The insights I gathered helped me to develop a customized plan to meet the parent’s goals, heal their nipples, and ensure the baby's needs were met.


Pumping can be really hard, but I am here to help make it as smooth and comfortable as possible. I love supporting all families, so please reach out for a 1:1 consultation. I’m here to help you achieve your feeding goals!


Formula & Breastfeeding or Strictly Formula



The parents wanted to feed a mix of formula and breastmilk or just formula, but had questions and the baby was struggling with the bottle.


Private 1:1 consultation to assess the parent's feeding goals, schedule, and optimize their routine, and provided them a safe space to process their feeding goals and choices. We then did a bottle-feeding observation & assessment of the baby feeding with the bottle. From all of this, we developed a customized plan to meet the parent’s goals, and ensure the baby's needs were being met.


I love supporting all families, reach out for a 1:1 consultation. I’m here to help you with your feeding goals and get you and your little one to a happy place with a custom care plan and individual support that works for you and your needs.

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