Privacy policy

Caitlin Inglis and Living Lactation is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers. This website uses SSL security to encrypt any personal information you enter (including your address and credit card information if and when you purchase any products through our online store).

Caitlin Inglis and Living Lactation will not share any personally identifiable information (your name, e-mail, address, ordering history, or credit card information) with any other companies or vendors, though we may make aggregate information available at our discretion as long as specific individuals can not be identified or inferred. We may utilize the information you provide to us, including your order history, to help identify special offers and improve our service to you, though only as it relates to your purchases from Caitlin Inglis and Living Lactation, and not with any other third parties.

In the event we have any reason to believe that your information has been compromised, we will endeavor to contact you and let you know of the problem.

Updated May 25, 2021